My views on the current situation in Afghanistan - August 2021
While a lot has been discussed on the internet on what happened in Afghanistan, as a history enthusiast I cannot refrain myself from adding my thought here - As they say, history often repeats itself and those who don't learn from it are bound to fail. The British learned their lesson in 1842 the Russians in 1989 and the Americans in 2021. This is precisely what happened in 1840, when the British invaded Afghanistan in the hope of using the divide between the then ruling factions (Barakzai and Sodozai) to have their puppet king installed. The Afghan warlords united against the British and such was the uprising that only 1 man returned from the 15000 strong army from India. The same happened during the Soviet invasion of 1970s, and the same was repeated now. One very interesting aspect was the fall of Mazar-e-Sharif to the Taliban. This was one of the first cities to fall a few weeks back. Those who have knowledge of the 1990s war in Afghanistan will recall that this city ...