About Me
History is something that has always intrigued and fascinated me. Whether it is reading the school history books or books from famous historians, there is always something to learn from. Being an avid traveler and photographer, I have developed a keen interest in relating places and cultures to events in their history.
Often while interacting with friends and colleagues, I have seen that many of them find history to be boring or something that has to do with only memorizing dates. This is probably due to the way we were taught history lessons in school through conventional textbook style history. Now knowledge of history can be very interesting and fascinating, with stories of courage, strategy, ingenuity, deceit and bravery. Knowledge of how events occurred in the past is relevant today in understanding current day conflicts or world politics.
My intention through this blog is to highlight some of the interesting facts and stories from Indian and World history. Something to make it interesting for the reader and relate events to places, people and politics. An element of excitement about wars, battles and military strategies.
As I continue enhancing my knowledge and providing it here for the readers, I hope you enjoy reading the blog.
- Suyash Nigam